"We opted for Selectamark as a very visible deterrent to make our laptops undesirable to thieves"
Nick Smeltzer, Director of IT Services, Warrington Collegiate
Theft from schools, colleges and universities continue to be a problem across Hong Kong and Macau. With laptops, interactive whiteboards, PCs, audio equipment and even musical instruments all targeted by thieves.
Classroom doors are frequently left unlocked and un-attended, offering thieves easy access to personal items and expensive ICT equipment.
By using low-cost visible property marking Selectamark kits, the whole school or individual departments in universities and colleges can be protected from thieves – saving thousands of Hong Kong Dollars or Macau Patacas in losses.
We can help with all your identification needs. We are an ISO9001-2000 approved supplier with our marking products carrying an independent certification to LPS 1225 (Loss Prevention Certification Board). Selectamark has also attained a ‘Secured By Design’ License from ACPO (The Association of Chief Police Officers).
As well a theft deterrent, Selectamark can also be used as an asset identification system – with simple sequential numbering on each Selectamark stencil or a printed number and barcode on a Supermark Custom label or personalised asset label.
Other Sectors
SelectaMark Stencils

Supermark Classic Labels